The company manufactures boilers for household and industrial needs, and updates its range of products all the time. The Unical products meet the requirements of the latest EU Directives on environmental protection.


  • Wall hung condensing boilers
    The wall hung condensing boilers of UNICAL are characterised with exceptional energy efficiency due to the exploitation of the full capacity of the energy source (natural gas or propane/butane). They sell models with power of up to 100 kW and the option for cascade connection and control of several units.
  • Standing condensing boilers
    These are in the range of 35 to 864 kW. They include models with aluminium or steel burning chamber, with built-in water tanks for hot water for household needs. The range also includes modulating condensing boilers MODULEX equipped with a microprocessor controlling two heating circles, hot water for household needs, external temperature control, and a few units linked in a cascade. The MODULEX models are characterised with small sizes and great efficiency which allows them to modulate the power at a ratio of 1:39 (for SUPERMODULEX 900 8M Е8) while at the same time retain a high level of energy conversion efficiency.
  • Steel boilers (gas, oil, gas oil)
    The range of steel water heating boilers includes models with heating power of up to 18 to 3700 kW adapted to work with burners with liquid or gas fuel. They are characterised with a compact design and high efficiency.
  • Steel solid fuel boilers
    These are solid fuel (wood or coal) boilers with a steel burning chamber with power of up to 42 kW. The boilers are equipped with an additional serpentine preventing overheating, and characterised with a simple and user-friendly design with two large service doors. The burning process is regulated with an air supply regulator which makes possible its optimal exploitation.
  • Pellet boilers:
    The boilers are equipped with a burner and a pellet tank. They come it two sizes, with powers of 15kW and 27 kW. The KALDUS model is very suitable for installation inside the room which it heats up, and is equipped with infrared remote control.